Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Y N0t 2 #29-Drama

There were two types of dramas performed in Ancient Greece: tragedies and comedies.  You can probably tell from the name that tragedies had, dare I say, tragic endings.  They all had a main character, or the tragic hero.  That hero also always has a tragic flaw which leads to their demise.  A comedy was just full of crude and slapstick jokes.  They usually made fun of politicians and respected men in the community.  This showed how lenient and easy-going the Athenians were about themselves.  I haven't watched any movies lately but I have been rewatching the Office and that also has a lot of  slapstick comedy in it as well.See the source image

1 comment:

  1. Good picture, but no description of what we're looking at. Oops! 9/10


Y N0t 21 #0-The Final Act

So this is it.  Huh.  As much as I used to hate having to do blogs (since I would always forget to do them), I'm going to miss this thin...