Thursday, September 12, 2019

Y N0t #6-Test Review

Well, I forgot to do a blog already, so I just called this one #6 because I skipped the last one.  Oooooohhhh!!!!!!!!!!  I just realized that my blog read out as a long string of words because I would copy and paste my blog from Docs because I would use the word count tool thing!  I feel dumb, but also happy, so yeah.
Today in class we reviewed for the test on "A Message to Garcia" tomorrow.  While I'm not excited for the test, and I don't really want to study, I have to get a good grade, so it's a good thing I have an off mod 3rd tomorrow and Human Geo 5th.  We got to look at a video of Mr. Schick's backyard koi pond thing and the little Buddha baby he hid in it; we basically listened to ASMR for the first 7 mins of class. IHave149WordsUpToThisPointSoThisIsAllJustGoingToBeAReallyReallyReallyReallyLongWayOfSayingItWhileOnlyHavingOneWordToMakeThis150Words

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Y N0t 21 #0-The Final Act

So this is it.  Huh.  As much as I used to hate having to do blogs (since I would always forget to do them), I'm going to miss this thin...