Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Y N0t #2-High School/Beginning of MTG

Today, in my favorite class (which happens to be Honors Human Geography 101)
we first talked about how Mr. Schick thought that high school was the hardest years of school:
even harder than elementary school (duh), middle school, and any years of college.
He talked about how important time management is in these next four years,
dealing with tons of homework, extracurricular activities, and just the hours of school in general.

We also talked about Elbert Hubbard’s essay, which is called “A Message to Garcia.”
The portion of which we read in class talked about how the president had to deliver a message to a general named Garcia,
who lived away from society in the middle of nowhere.  A man named Rowan took action and decided to take action and deliver the message to Garcia;
Hubbard talks about how all schools should have statues of Rowan after describing his adventure.

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