Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Y N0t 2 #22-The Athenian Plague

Pericles had planned to take on Sparta, Athens' only match.  When waiting inside of the Athenian walls while the Spartans burned their farms, Pericles said that they would still be able to get food through trading.  Then suddenly, plague struck the city-state.  Since everyone was stuck within the walls, it spread like a wildfire.  The last straw was drawn: Pericles fell victim to illness.  The city went into a state of disarray (see what I did there? City, state?)  Everyone decided to leave all morals and religions behind, for if both good and bad lives led to the same fate, what was the point?  It was clear what was wrong with democracy: once Athens was without a leader, everything went down the drain.

1 comment:

  1. "The city went into a state of disarray (see what I did there? City, state?)"

    You, sir, are a genius.


Y N0t 21 #0-The Final Act

So this is it.  Huh.  As much as I used to hate having to do blogs (since I would always forget to do them), I'm going to miss this thin...