Thursday, October 17, 2019

Y N0t #22-Talkin Bout Population

Today we talked about populations and how we measure things pertaining to them.  For example, we went over the crude birth and death rates, which are the number of births and deaths per every 1000 people in a population.  There is something called RNI, which stands for rate of natural increase.  This is the crude death rate subtracted from the crude birth rate, which gives you the trend in which the population is either (in most cases) growing or shrinking.  There is also such a thing as migration, which is either people leaving in large masses (emigration) or or people entering in large masses (immigration).  Some push forces to make people leave a country include civil war, environmental degradation, unemployment or underemployment, and religious or ethnic persecution. Some pull forces that make people want to enter a country include better economic opportunity, better health services, religious freedom, and political freedom.

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